Trailjam 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Trailjam hike today. Whether you walked the full 18 miles, or a shorter section of it, you should all be very proud of your achievements. Also thanks to those that helped us set up, and to everyone that attended, our Annual General Meeting. Fantastic turn out…

Fells Marathon 2024

Over 150 Scouts and Explorers tackled the 2024 Fells Marathon. The weather threw in rain, wind, snow and even a bit of sunshine, but that didn’t stop those adventurous young hikers! We are extremely proud of all the participants from Hessle Scout Group who climbed, trekked, conquered the hills and took part in this years…

Remembrance Sunday

The Royal British Legion Hessle Branch invited us to attend the dedication of their new standard, before it took part in the Festival of Remembrance in the Royal Festival Hall. Explorer leaders were delighted to attend and represent Hessle Scout Group. It was also a pleasure to see so many of our young people attending…

Jamboree on the Trail 2023

Well done to everyone that took part in our annual Jamboree on the Trail sponsored walk. What an achievement for our young people with Explorers and Scouts walking 15 miles, Cubs 7 miles and Beavers 5 miles on a scorching hot day. So far we have raised just over £400. Thank you also to our…

Bivvy Building

Hessle Navajo Scouts spent a Friday evening in the woods, learning some knots & lashings whilst building bivvy shelters.

It was a bit wet!

Despite the persistent rain, we had a great St George’s Day, taking part in all sorts of activities – climbing wall, lego, archery, pancake making, smores, silent disco, pioneering, crafts, chair hockey, circus skills, nerf gun target practice, to name but a few. Unfortunately no parade this year as it was just too wet. We…

Welcome to Navajo

Navajo Scouts invested four new members into the Troop, before building fires and cooking sausages for hot dogs on the Foreshore.

Ice Skating

Apache and Navajo Scouts joined together for an evening at Hull Arena, perfecting their ice skating skills.

Sharp Shooting Skills

Navajo Scouts spent an evening focussing their sharp shooting skills on the rifle range, before camping out for the night, despite it being the end of November. On this occasion, camp cooking wasn’t required as they had pizzas delivered!

Remembrance Sunday

Well done to everyone that took part in the Remembrance Sunday parade and service. You were all a credit to Hessle Scout Group.

Spaghetti and Marshmallows!

Navajo Scouts were set a challenge to see who could build the largest freestanding tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows.


Having just missed International Pirate Day, Hessle Navajo Scouts held a pirate themed night, which started with a visit by three parrots, accompanied by their pirate owners. The parrots were highly trained and performed various tricks before posing for pictures with the troop, who – all with pirate names – went onto enjoy some pirate…

Crazy Golf

Due to heavy rain and a thunderstorm Navajo had to amend their plans last minute. Using whatever they could find around the den (noting where it came from so it could be returned to the exact same place) each Scout had to construct part of a crazy golf course. Then we all played a competitive…

Local Knowledge

As part of their “Local Knowledge Activity” badge, Hessle Navajo spent a fun night around the village matching up old black and white photographs – some from over 100 years ago – to how the same buildings are now. Though the shop fronts and road markings have mostly changed, they achieved this by matching upstairs…

Jamboree on the Trail

All sections of Hessle Scout Group took part in our annual sponsored walk, with Explorers and Scouts walking from Beverley Westwood (29.13km in 6 hours 55 minutes), meeting with the Cubs at Welton and Beavers at North Ferriby. A fantastic achievement for all who took part, and so far we have raised £541. Thanks to…

Backwoods Cooking

Hessle Navajo Scouts enjoyed some backwoods cooking on the banks of the River Humber last night. After the Scouts had found enough wood and built their fire, they baked foil parcels of meat and veg in the embers. They also were successful in BBQ’ing burgers on cabbage leaves.

Remembrance Sunday 2021

Well done to those that represented Hessle Scout Group at the Community Remembrance Service in Hessle, and those that represented Blacktoft Beacon Explorers in Beverley. Your contributions to the services were complemented by many.

Camp at Home

We may not be able to go camping at the moment, but lots of our young people have found ways to make dens and camp at home. Well done to Beavers Luke and Summer, Cherokees Bradley, Jack, Fraser and Harrison, Arapaho Jessica and Navajo Ewan. If you’ve been camping at home, send us your pictures.

JOTT 2019

Well done to everyone that took part in our Jamboree on the Trail 2019 hike. Whether you walked the full 15 miles, the middle 8 miles or the shorter 4 miles, we completed it in a very good time, and had some delicious cakes along the way. We’ll let you know how much we raised…

Group Camp 2019

Once a year we like to take all sections of Hessle Scout Group to camp, and as usual we’ve had a scorching hot, fantastic time. We had a circus theme for the weekend and learnt circus skills, made a circus ring, decorated t-shirts to wear whilst performing and had fun on an inflatable assault course…

2018 Jamboree on the Trail

Well done to everyone that took part to help make our 2018 Sponsored Walk, Family BBQ and AGM such a success.  Whether you walked the route, cut the grass, prepared the food, cooked the food, or even just ate it, helped with road crossings, put the tables and chairs out or away, led the singing…

St George’s Day 2018

It may have been wild and windy up on the racecourse, but we all had a brilliant day.  Archery, circus skills, pancake making, Lego, Humberside Fire & Rescue, inflatables, volleyball, skate park, dragon making, pioneering, martial arts, glass engraving, climbing wall, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, to name but a few.  With over 500 young people plus…

Co-op Local Community Fund

A big thank you to everyone at the Co-op in Hessle, for inviting us to be part of their Local Community Fund, and especially to all the Co-op members for helping to raise the money.  This morning we joined staff in store to receive a cheque for £1917.13 – a fantastic amount that will help…

Remembrance Sunday 2017

What a fantastic turn out from all our young people and leaders today – over a hundred of us.   Smartly dressed in uniforms with smiles on faces despite the cold weather.  Well done everyone!


Hessle Scout Group were well represented at All Saints Church Harvest Festival today.  Well done to those that played an active part in the service, carrying the flags, helping with the sermon, readings, collection, prayers, bread and wine, and in particular everyone that donated to the harvest food collection.  This will be distributed to the…


We all managed to pass security and had a fantastic time at Spy Camp in Bail Wood.  The sun shone all weekend, we built dens, went on hikes, cracked codes, got to sit in a hovercraft, cooked on fires, had a water fight, sang around the campfire, used our imagination at Q’s base, completed the…

A Wizard Weekend

All things Harry Potter was the theme of the 2016 Group Camp, and 107 members of Hessle Scout Group had a fantastic time at Primrose Hill Campsite, Brigg. The weekend began at Platform 9 3/4 on Friday evening with Hagrid welcoming everyone to camp, and then on to the sorting hat ceremony where we all…

Scout sleepover at the Den 22/05/15

The Scouts completed a hike from South Ferriby over the Humber Bridge where we invested Nicholas, then walked to the den for well earned pizza and a movie.  

Scouts Mini Olympics 15/05/15

Lots and Lots of fun was had by all, as part of the Fitness Badge Megan, Josh and Amy planned and organised the evening as a leaver’s night before moving up to Explorers Scouts. They organised a lapped relay of Raywell campsite as well as Bean Bag shuttle runs 2 throwing events and much more.

Arapaho Biviouc Building in Nut Wood 12/05/15

The Cubs ventured into Nut Wood neer Raywell to put there survival skills to the test. The cubs used branches, foliage, tarps and ropes to create to there own shelter design. After a great effort we headed back to Raywell to munch on bacon butties. 

Jamboree on the Trail 2015

Well done to everyone who took part in the Hessle Scout Group Sponsored walk as part of the worldwide Jamboree on the Trail 2015. Sponsorship money is still being collected, and once we have a final total details will be published. Thank you to the Explorers and leaders for organising us all, and making sure…

St George’s Activity Day 2015

Today saw the entire Scout Group attend the joint St George’s Activity Day between Blacktoft Beacon & Beverley and Hornsea Districts. The morning was full of activities for everyone to have a go at; there was scooters, stomp rockets, crossbows, cooking on fires & martial arts to name a few! In the afternoon all sections paraded…

Mothering Sunday Service

Hessle Scout Group attended the Mothering Sunday Service at All Saints Church today, where the young people played an active part in the service. As well as bearing their flags, they read passages from the bible, took the collection, read the prayers, and most importantly ensured that every lady in the congregation received some flowers. …

Gold Chief Scout Award

Drew has been awarded his Gold Chief Scout Award after putting in a lot of hard work. Paul our GSL came and awarded Drew with his badge and certificate on Friday evening. Well done Drew!

The Indians are coming……..

The Kwahadi Dancers are a magical combination of Scouting, Indian Lore, and showbiz.   The group from Amarillo, Texas are touring the UK and Europe and they will be performing in Hessle Town Hall on Sunday 10 August 2014 at 7.00pm – 9.30pm.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  Family tickets £12 (2 adults + 2 children),…

Commondale Camp – 11th-13th July

Arapaho, Cherokee and the Scouts joined together for the weekend to head up to Commondale near Whitby for a camp. We left on Friday evening and got to Raven Gill Campsite in time to get everything set up before it got too dark. There was then just enough time to go for a night walk…

Sushi & Juices with a bit of Rounders

This week we did a bit more work towards our Fitness Challenge. The Scouts were told to bring a fruit or veg with and we had some interesting ones! We started off the night with a game of kick rounders. Then in small groups we went inside to make the sushi and juices while other…

18th May – Hessle Open Gardens Bus team

Hessle Open Gardens Organisation help local charities through their annual open gardens event. Last year they helped the Scout Group with funding for the outdoor activity area. This year they asked us to help them by running a minibus route around Hessle. The leaders stepped up to this challenge. They divided up the hours between…

Sam is Invested

Hessle Scout Troop added yet another leader to the happy gang as Sam Cooke was recently invested as an Assistant Scout Leader.  Having completed her initial training, Audrey Harris, Humberside Scouts Training Advisor, paid a surprise visit to invest Sam whilst the Troop were ‘training hard’, working towards their Fitness Challenge (hence the lack of uniforms).

Cooking on the Foreshore

This week we were down on the foreshore. We made some fires and cooked on them. Also this week, our newest members who have come up from Arapaho Cubs made their promise.

Wolds Challenge 2014

On 22nd March, 3 teams from Hessle Scout Troop took part in the Wolds Challenge. This is a competition where they are tested on their map reading abilities and teamwork to see who can complete the 12 mile cross-country course, through all the checkpoints, in the quickest time. For the majority this was their first…

Chinese Lanterns 14/03/2014

This week the Scouts did a bit of problem solving. They were given the materials needed to make a Chinese lantern but no instructions. The task went towards their Creative Challenge badge. Lots of different designs were created but unfortunately none of them managed to float successfully.

Night Walk

This week the Scouts embarked on a walk around the Nut Wood area, being split into two teams they were given some rough instructions of the route (a map was included). Both teams were told to wait at the crossroads. When everybody arrived there was a little surprise for them all. We invested Chloe, Cydney,…

Cooker Challenge

Tonight the Scouts attempted to find out which was the most effective cooking method we had in the Scout den. Things to take in to account were; time to boil, ease of use & time to set up. Best of all we all boiled an egg.  

Josh’s Investiture

Congratulations to Josh on his investiture as an Assistant Scout Leader. This comes after completing the first part of his Scout Leader Training.

Laser Quest – Christmas Party 2013

Hessle Scout’s Christmas party at Laser Quest. Some of the Cubs who will be joining us in January came along to join in. Everybody really enjoy themselves we will have to do it again sometime.