Trailjam 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Trailjam hike today. Whether you walked the full 18 miles, or a shorter section of it, you should all be very proud of your achievements. Also thanks to those that helped us set up, and to everyone that attended, our Annual General Meeting. Fantastic turn out…

Fells Marathon 2024

Over 150 Scouts and Explorers tackled the 2024 Fells Marathon. The weather threw in rain, wind, snow and even a bit of sunshine, but that didn’t stop those adventurous young hikers! We are extremely proud of all the participants from Hessle Scout Group who climbed, trekked, conquered the hills and took part in this years…

Night Hike

Explorers undertook a night hike, pizza supper and sleepover in the den. Team bonding, navigation skills and friendships for life, and even a quick visit to Cherokee Cubs at Melton Bottom along the way!

Remembrance Sunday

The Royal British Legion Hessle Branch invited us to attend the dedication of their new standard, before it took part in the Festival of Remembrance in the Royal Festival Hall. Explorer leaders were delighted to attend and represent Hessle Scout Group. It was also a pleasure to see so many of our young people attending…

Climbing and Navigation

Explorers enjoyed a cold, dark and damp evening at Raywell, climbing, navigation on bearings and pacing and the use of emergency shelters. Great fun and learning new skills for life.

Campfire Eclairs!

Explorers spent an evening on Hessle Forshore cooking jam and cream eclairs on a stick. A new delicious challenge!

Hessle Open Gardens

Thank you to everyone that supported Hessle Open Gardens. On behalf of Hessle Scout Group Paul and Wendy were delighted to receive a cheque for £850. This is being put to good use purchasing some new tents.

Jamboree on the Trail 2023

Well done to everyone that took part in our annual Jamboree on the Trail sponsored walk. What an achievement for our young people with Explorers and Scouts walking 15 miles, Cubs 7 miles and Beavers 5 miles on a scorching hot day. So far we have raised just over £400. Thank you also to our…

Summer Hike

Explorers went on a summer hike across Brantingham Dale. More experienced Explorers coached the younger ones in essential navigation skills that will hopefully guide them throughout life. Lessons learnt in Scouting last a lifetime.

Pioneering Challenge

Explorers undertook a pioneering challenge. They were asked to build a structure to enable them to string up two hammocks. They demonstrated teamwork, leadership and coaching. Thumbs up from them all at the end of an enjoyable night.

Grass Sledging

Explorers had a great evening at Raywell, making use of two of the activities – low ropes and grass sledging. Lots of teamwork going on to get themselves down the hill!

It was a bit wet!

Despite the persistent rain, we had a great St George’s Day, taking part in all sorts of activities – climbing wall, lego, archery, pancake making, smores, silent disco, pioneering, crafts, chair hockey, circus skills, nerf gun target practice, to name but a few. Unfortunately no parade this year as it was just too wet. We…

Fells Marathon – Explorer Winners

Congratulations to our two Explorer teams on their success in the Fells Marathon. Finishing in 1st Place were Hessle 1 with a time of 10hrs 01min and in 2nd Place were Hessle 2 with a time of 15hrs 02mins out of the 12 teams taking part. The Fells Marathon is a two-day hiking competition for…

Go Ape!

Explorers spent a Sunday morning at Go Ape. They had a great time on the high ropes course.

Fells Preparation

Explorers prepared for the Fells Marathon competition with navigation training in the dark at Beverley Westwood. Compass bearings, back bearings, pacing, 6 and 8 figure grid references, time and distance. Conditions in the wind and rain were challenging but they all learnt valuable skills. Thank you to the volunteer leaders that give up their own…

White Ribbon Service

Several members of Hessle Scout Group took part in the East Riding of Yorkshire County Legal Service – which marks the end of Jacky Bowes year in office as High Sheriff. Jacky asked for members of Humberside Scouts to be represented in recognition of the work they had done in achieving the White Ribbon Badge….

Cook Your Sausages!

Explorers met at North Ferriby and had a team timed hike back to Hessle. Once back at Hessle Foreshore they each received a bag containing 2 sausages, 2 matches and a piece of paper with instructions on it. “Make a fire using your matches and cook your sausages. Make sure the sausages are cooked before…

Explorers took part in an incident hike. During the night hike leaders added first aid scenarios to challenge the teams, this included casualty evaluation.

Diamond Chief Scout Award

Congratulations to Explorers Connor, David and Spencer on receiving their Diamond Chief Scout Award. All three recently completed their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award which contributes towards this.

Night Climb

It doesn’t matter if it is sunny and warm or dark and cold, Explorers enjoy spending time outdoors, this time with a night climb at Raywell Park.

Rock Up!

For the last week of term, Explorers took on the challenge of Rock Up, improving their climbing and balance skills!


Explorers enjoyed an evening at Raywell Park, squeezing their way around the Cavebus!

Remembrance Sunday

Well done to everyone that took part in the Remembrance Sunday parade and service. You were all a credit to Hessle Scout Group.


Explorers had a games night, and also took time to assist in putting up the poppy displays in All Saints Church.

Big Fun

Explorers and their leaders enjoyed an evening at Big Fun with Elloughton-cum-Brough Explorers. You’re never too old for a soft play adventure!

Wolds Challenge

The Wolds Challenge is a one day hiking competition for Scouts and Explorers. The event is a test of navigation, route finding and team work, as well as a walking challenge and Explorers walk approximately 17 miles. Thirteen teams took part in the Explorer competition and Hessle Explorers entered two teams into the event this year. Hessle 1…

Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award

Congratulations to three of our Explorer Scouts, Connor, David and Spencer, who recently achieved their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Harvest Festival

Thank you to everyone for their contributions towards All Saints Church Harvest Festival. All the food collected will be distributed to those in need via the local food bank. Well done to the Cubs and Scouts who did the readings and prayers at the service.

Night Hike, Bivvies and Backwoods Cooking

Explorers were sent on a night hike, with a sealed packing box, and when they arrived at the overnight camp, the tent was taken off them and everything they needed for the night was in the box. Tarps, rope, tinned hot dogs and bread, no tin opener or cooking pots…. they had to work it…

Chief Scout Platinum Award

Congratulations to David, Henry, Connor, James, Sam and Amelia on achieving their Chief Scout Platinum Award. These were presented when Explorers spent the last week of the summer term at the beach in Hornsea, with fish and chips for tea and a game of beach volleyball!

Water and Catapults!

Explorers completed a pioneering project, building a catapult to launch water bombs. The evening ended in a mass water fight which was very welcome on one of the hottest weeks of the year!

Jamboree on the Trail

All sections of Hessle Scout Group took part in our annual sponsored walk, with Explorers and Scouts walking from Beverley Westwood (29.13km in 6 hours 55 minutes), meeting with the Cubs at Welton and Beavers at North Ferriby. A fantastic achievement for all who took part, and so far we have raised £541. Thanks to…

Climbing Wall

Explorers enjoyed an evening at Raywell Park, making use of the climbing wall, as well as having a game of rugby ball rounders!

Humber Rescue

Explorers visited Humber Rescue, to find out more information on a local group who serve our community. This forms part of their Platinum Award.

Poacher Pre-Camp

Several of Hessle Explorers are joining others from around the district to go to Poacher this summer. Poacher is Lincolnshire’s International Scout and Guide Jamboree, where members of Scouting and Girl Guiding from around the world participate in a week of fun, friendship and adventure. This weekend they held a pre-camp at Tablers Wood to…

Leaders get badges too!

Congratulations to go several leaders in our group who have received awards recently. June has received the Silver Acorn, awarded after at least 20 years’ service, which has been specially distinguished and appreciably better than outstanding. Paul and John both received The Award For Merit, awarded for outstanding service, where they have been keen, conscientious,…

Fells Marathon Winners!

Congratulations to the 2022 Hessle Explorers Fells Marathon Team – James, Sam, Henry and Lois – on winning their competition, as well as a big thanks to all their adult support. The Fells Marathon is a two-day hiking competition for Scouts and Explorer Scouts. Carrying full kit for the two days, the Explorer Scout teams…

Nurture Nature

As part of Humberside Scouts ‘Put the Out in Scout’ Challenge, Explorers completed the Nurture Nature section by undertaking a litter pick along Hessle Foreshore and in the Humber Bridge Country Park.

Remembrance Sunday 2021

Well done to those that represented Hessle Scout Group at the Community Remembrance Service in Hessle, and those that represented Blacktoft Beacon Explorers in Beverley. Your contributions to the services were complemented by many.

Wolds Challenge 2021

Well done to our two teams of Explorers that took part in the Wolds Challenge. This event is a test of navigation, route finding and team work, as well as a walking challenge with Explorers travelling 17 miles during the day. A particular congratulations to Team D who completed the route in 5 hours 17 minutes, finishing…

Wolds Way Hike

Explorers met at the weekend to enable them to undertake a longer hike, completing 15.5 km in 4 hours on a section of the Wolds Way, that was a bit muddy in places! They also did a spot of geocaching along the way.

Cooking in Oranges

Explorers have continued their cooking theme this term, with another visit to Raywell Park. This time they experimented with cooking in oranges in the embers of the fire.

Ready for camping….

Explorers spent the evening pitching their new expedition tents and finished the night putting up the bell tent which they will use as a base camp and communal space on future camps.

Cooking Challenge

Explorers completed a cooking challenge. Working with a variety of stoves that they might encounter on hikes or camps, some were challenged to soft boil an egg and others to hard boil one!

Chief Scout Awards

Congratulations to three of our young people on achieving their Chief Scout Awards. GSL Charlotte was delighted to present a Gold Award to Sam, achieved whilst he was with Apache Scouts, and Platinum Awards to Dan and Charlotte, achieved whilst they have been Explorers.

Explorers Exploring

Explorers met up outdoors for the first time in over a year, for a socially distanced walk around Elloughton, followed by presentation of new name tapes for uniforms. Everyone enjoyed the fresh air and the chat.

JOTT 2019

Well done to everyone that took part in our Jamboree on the Trail 2019 hike. Whether you walked the full 15 miles, the middle 8 miles or the shorter 4 miles, we completed it in a very good time, and had some delicious cakes along the way. We’ll let you know how much we raised…

Sea and Sandcastles

Explorers traveled closer to the sea for their last night of the term, and spent the evening digging holes, building sandcastles and eating fish and chips in Bridlington!