
Arapaho Cubs met up with Trinity Cubs from Hull to use their imagination whilst building Lego structures, under the tutelage of fellow Scouter Mark the Lego Man from Bricktopia.

Lego Challenges

Cubs used their imaginations with Lego this week, completing many challenges over Zoom both with leaders and through the Blacktoft Beacon Bricktopia event. These activities helped them complete parts of both their Artist and Skills Challenge badges.

#YouShape Lego

Hessle Beavers undertook some #YouShape activities this week.  First Gilby was colony leader for the week, swapping neckers with  TicTac.  He did a great job encouraging others to take part in activities and running our opening and closing ceremonies.  Beavers then undertook the Lego Models challenge, where they worked together as a team to choose…

Ping Pong Challenge

This term Hessle Beavers are working towards their Skills and Teamwork Challenge badges. Tonight we challenged them to invent something that could transport a ping pong ball approximately one metre.  They could use Lego, K’nex or try their hand at some junk modelling, and we had some fantastic results.