Pioneering Challenge

Explorers undertook a pioneering challenge. They were asked to build a structure to enable them to string up two hammocks. They demonstrated teamwork, leadership and coaching. Thumbs up from them all at the end of an enjoyable night.

Water and Catapults!

Explorers completed a pioneering project, building a catapult to launch water bombs. The evening ended in a mass water fight which was very welcome on one of the hottest weeks of the year!


Arapaho Cubs and their new adult helpers have been learning how to tie knots, hitches and lashings. They all enjoyed putting this knowledge and their imagination to the test by building a shelter frame, washing line and billy can tripod. Well done to everyone for picking up these pioneering skills so quickly!

Pioneering Catapults

As part of their Camp Craft Activity badge, Beavers worked together as a team to put up a small tent,  as well as having some great fun pioneering and making catapults.

Sedan Chairs in the Country Park

We went down into the Country Park to put the knots we learnt last week into practice making Sedan Chairs. To test if they were up to standard we then carried one of our six for a short distance around the Park. Some knots lasted longer than others!