Welcome to Cubs!

After completing their moving on award before the summer holidays; Connor, Oliver & Henry remade their promise tonight and became Cubs! Welcome to Cherokee!

Cyclist Badge

After our visits to Halfords, the cubs just had the practical part of their cyclist badge to complete. For this we had Steve who teaches cycling proficiency come down and put us through our paces!

Cherokee Summer Hike

For the last meeting of the summer term Cherokee hiked from Brantingham to South Cave – a short walk with lots of steep hills.  At the highest point of the walk overlooking some fantastic view of the Humber, our newest member, Grace, was invested.  At the end of the evening Cubs were presented with challenge…

Cherokee Summer Camp

Cherokee Cubs had a great time at their summer camp at Walesby Forest. On Saturday morning after cooking pancakes on an open fire for breakfast, they did crate stacking and a cave maze.  In the afternoon they had fun on the water, including canadian canoes and water fights.  Everyone was soaked, including the leaders.  Tea…

Silver Chief Scout Award

Congratulations to Finlay who was awarded his Silver Chief Scout Award this week! He’s put in lots of hard work both at Cherokee and Ferriby & Swanland Cubs to gain all of his challenge badges so well done!

Tent Pitching Practice

This week Cherokee have been practicing putting up the classic patrol tents ready for Summer Camp.

Silver Chief Scout Awards

Congratulations to Jack and David on receiving their Silver Chief Scout Awards this week! After recently completing all of their challenge badges, the boys certainly deserve it for all the hard work they have put in, well done!

Camp Preparation

We did some preparation for the upcoming camping season this week. First of all we practiced putting up the tents the Cubs will use when on camp, for some of our younger members this is their first time pitching a tent, whilst for others it was a useful reminder! Then we had a relay race…

Jamboree on the Trail 2015

Well done to everyone who took part in the Hessle Scout Group Sponsored walk as part of the worldwide Jamboree on the Trail 2015. Sponsorship money is still being collected, and once we have a final total details will be published. Thank you to the Explorers and leaders for organising us all, and making sure…

Sedan Chairs in the Country Park

We went down into the Country Park to put the knots we learnt last week into practice making Sedan Chairs. To test if they were up to standard we then carried one of our six for a short distance around the Park. Some knots lasted longer than others!

Welcome to Cherokee

This week our 3 newest members made their promise as Cub Scouts and became members of Cherokee Cub Pack. For Danny this was his first time, whilst Fred & Tom swam up the river from Beavers. Welcome to you all!

St George’s Activity Day 2015

Today saw the entire Scout Group attend the joint St George’s Activity Day between Blacktoft Beacon & Beverley and Hornsea Districts. The morning was full of activities for everyone to have a go at; there was scooters, stomp rockets, crossbows, cooking on fires & martial arts to name a few! In the afternoon all sections paraded…

Firestation Visit

This week we went to visit Calvert Lane Firestation as part of our Fire Safety badge. We got to look around all the base and the fire engines learning lots about how the Firemen do their job. At the end of the night they even let us have a go on the hose!

Glen & Ian are Invested

Tonight Glen & Ian, 2 of our newest leaders, were invested as members of Hessle Scout Group after completing all the necessary training to become Sectional Assistants at Cherokee Cubs. A big Hessle Scout Group welcome to you both!

Creative Challenge

This week we finished off our Creative Challenge badge. This involved decorating cards and bags for Mothers Day, breaking some codes and creating videos to advertise Scouting. Everyone did really well to stand up in front of the camera and perform, the adverts will be on display in the Scout Den.

Mothering Sunday Service

Hessle Scout Group attended the Mothering Sunday Service at All Saints Church today, where the young people played an active part in the service. As well as bearing their flags, they read passages from the bible, took the collection, read the prayers, and most importantly ensured that every lady in the congregation received some flowers. …

Map Reader Badge

Over the past 3 weeks the Cubs have been learning and refreshing their map skills. This has involved making contour models out of lego, matching up map symbols, practicing grid references, planning routes on Google Maps and learning compass points. Once all of these things are put into practice next week on our winter hike…

Cubs & Compasses

This week we have been learning all about the points on a compass. This includes their names and their degrees away from North. This along with a look at some map symbols is the start of the work we’ll do towards our Map Readers badge.

Silver Chief Scout Award

Tonight Paul came down to award Alfie with his Silver Chief Scout Award. After putting in the work to complete all of his challenge badges this is the highest award a Cub can gain so well done Alfie!

New Beavers Invested

This week our 5 new Beavers finished swimming up the river and renewed their promise as full members of Cherokee Cub Pack! Welcome to Sam, Jacob, Edward, Ethan & Tom!

Cubs Christmas Party

This week we had a fun filled Christmas Party, to end what has been a great term. We had a good dance and played all the usual party games but the big hit of the night was the cardboard box game. This is where you have to pick the cardboard box up off the floor…

Baloo’s Birthday!

This week we had a bit of a celebration for Baloo’s 50th Birthday! He’s jetting off to Hong Kong this week so we won’t get to see him on his actual birthday, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make a fuss of him before he goes! We had birthday cake and sparklers to celebrate and…

Emergency Aid Stage 2

We moved onto our Stage 2 Emergency Aid badge this week and looked at some more serious casualties. We practiced ringing the emergency services and in particular the ambulance service. We learnt all the vital pieces of information we need to give them and what to do if we were ever in that situation. We…

Swimming Gala

This weekend 9 of our Cubs represented Cherokee at the Blacktoft Beacon District Swimming Gala, held at Ennerdale Leisure Centre. They swam as fast as they could and glided as far as they could to take them to 6th place! Well done Josh, Alfie, Jack, Soala, Charlotte, Amelia, Eddie, Ethan and Ben; you did Cherokee…

Emergency Aid Stage 1

This week the Cubs started and completed their Emergency Aid Stage 1 badge. They learnt how to treat minor cuts and grazes with plasters and bandages and how to open and maintain an airway by putting a casualty in the recovery position. They also discussed dangers around the home and what to do at the scene…

KC Stadium Tour

This weekend we went for a tour around the KC Stadium. We got to look through the door of the Chairman’s Suite, go inside a hospitality box, look around the home and away team changing rooms and sit in the players dugouts. We then went into the media room and practiced what it would be like…

Chief Scout’s Silver Award

Tonight Paul, our newly appointed Group Scout Leader, came down to present 3 of our Cubs with their Chief Scout’s Silver Award. Congratulations to Lily, Ben and Eddie! This is the highest award a Cub Scout can gain, a lot of hard work and time has gone into earning all 6 challenge badges, so well…

Road Safety, Science & Shoeboxes

This week we split up into groups to do a few different things. The Sixers helped put together our shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, with donations everyone has been bringing in as part of the Global Challenge. Those that hadn’t completed their Science Activity Badge went off to set beans and cress off growing,…

Blackhills Winter Camp 2014

Cherokee and Arapaho spent the weekend together at Blackhills Campsite in Bradford for their Winter Camp. We set off on  Friday night, Halloween, so of course the building needed to be decorated accordingly! The Cubs went for a night hike around the site while the leaders had fun decorating. It was then supper and bed…


Also this week we had some investitures to do. For those who made their promise at The Deep; Josh, Oliver, Owen, William, Amelia, Tabitha, Hannah & Josh, it was a reenactment so their families could watch. For William it was his turn to swim up the river from Beavers and renew his promise as a…

Science Badge

This week we continued work towards our Science Activity Badge. This included making compasses, taking our pulses before and after exercise and looking at milk, food colouring and washing up liquid in solution. We also had a look at how our beans and cress had grown since last week.

Sleepover at The Deep

This weekend Cherokee along with Cubs from all over the district stayed the night at The Deep. The night started off with a guided tour of the attraction. It was then time for supper before making keyrings and decorating t-shirts. Half way around our tour, our newest members were invested,   Josh, Oliver, Owen, William, Amelia,…

The Indians are coming……..

The Kwahadi Dancers are a magical combination of Scouting, Indian Lore, and showbiz.   The group from Amarillo, Texas are touring the UK and Europe and they will be performing in Hessle Town Hall on Sunday 10 August 2014 at 7.00pm – 9.30pm.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  Family tickets £12 (2 adults + 2 children),…

Commondale Camp – 11th-13th July

Arapaho, Cherokee and the Scouts joined together for the weekend to head up to Commondale near Whitby for a camp. We left on Friday evening and got to Raven Gill Campsite in time to get everything set up before it got too dark. There was then just enough time to go for a night walk…

Bivvy Building – 30th June

After our week off to recover from Group Camp, this week we went to Nut Wood to build bivvies. We split into 3 groups and went to go scout out the best location. The Cubs then went to collect all the dead trees and sticks needed to build their bivvy. With a bit of Leader…

Athletics – 16th June

Continuing with our fitness theme, this week we worked on our Athletics activity badge. The Cubs split up into their sixes and went around 4 different events; 100m relay, 25m egg and spoon, 25m skipping and sargent jumping. All were scored and the red team came first in every event so came first overall too,…

Squash & Smoothies

This week we carried on working towards our Fitness Challenge badge. We had a visit from Kenny, a squash instructor. He showed the Cubs some video clips of squash being played before coaching them through some of the skills needed to play. Everyone then got a go using the portable wall. Meanwhile in the kitchen…

Fitness Challenge – 2nd June

This week everyone started work on their Fitness Challenge badge. This involved a warm up session ran by our young leader Jack and then on to lots of different activities that tie in with their Athletics badge too. Everyone was given log sheets to record how much exercise they do, what food they eat and…

Welcome to Cherokee!

On the Friday night of our sleepover, 4 of our newest Cubs made their Promise and were invested into Cherokee Cub Pack. Welcome to you all!

Melton Bottom Sleepover

This weekend Cherokee Cubs went on their first night away of the summer to Melton Bottom Campsite, where we slept inside for 1 night. On the Friday evening 4 new Cubs were invested before we set off for a walk. However the heavens opened as we were about to leave! So after a small delay…

Patrol Tents 20/05/2014

Cherokee Cubs were the first group the year to air out the patrol tents, Wendy from Hessle Beavers came along to show us all how to put patrol; tents up the “easy way”. All the cubs had lots of fun as you can see by the photos.

18th May – Hessle Open Gardens Bus team

Hessle Open Gardens Organisation help local charities through their annual open gardens event. Last year they helped the Scout Group with funding for the outdoor activity area. This year they asked us to help them by running a minibus route around Hessle. The leaders stepped up to this challenge. They divided up the hours between…

Alter Fires at Raywell – 10th May

This week we were up at Raywell to do some cooking on alter fires. This went towards the new Backwoods Cooking Activity Badge. Despite the rain, we managed to get 2 fires going using a flint stick. Whilst they died down ready to cook on, the Cubs went in search of green sticks to hold…

28th April – Josh’s Judo

This week Josh brought his Judo things down to show the pack. By doing this he earnt himself his hobbies and martial arts badge. Well done Josh! If anyone else takes part in sports or hobbies apart from Cubs, bring any equipment or certificates in and you may earn a badge!

Tea & Bisque-it!

We met again this week but this time at Tea & Bisque-it in Willerby. Here we painted some pottery as a Mother’s Day present. They will be varnished and put in a kiln ready for next week. These are the finished products!

Egg Drop Challenge

This week we took part in the Egg Drop Challenge. The idea was to work in small teams to protect an egg when dropped from a height. We had to complete a series of 6 small tasks to earn us points. With these points we bought materials to create a parachute to put our egg…

Pack Night – 10th March

This week the younger group were finishing off their communications badge. They spelt out words in alphabetti spaghetti and wrote messages in glow in the dark paint. They also all learnt the alphabet in sign language and spelt out their names. Meanwhile the older group were putting the finishing touches to their bird boxes. Also…

A Night At The Deep

Cherokee Cubs slept over at the deep tonight. Some Cubs even received their 1st night away.